Why Now?


Those supposedly in the know inside the White House were shocked at the news of Nikki Haley’s sudden resignation this morning and even more so with the lack of explanation. Haley was seen as one the few remaining “moderates,” if there is such a thing in the Trump administration, and her departure may be as simple as she felt marginalized by the hardliners.

Or it could be politics, as some see a possible scenario where Senator Lindsey Graham becomes Attorney General and Haley would return to South Carolina to be in contention for his seat.

But there’s also the little problem of private planes.  Yet another member of the Trump administration is being questioned over travel.  McClatchy DC is reporting that a watchdog group wants an investigation into the use of private jets by Haley that were owned by South Carolina businessmen.

“The group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, says Haley undervalued the flights by tens of thousands of dollars on her annual financial disclosure form required of federal officials.”

And then there’s this…

Haley’s resignation continues the record-setting Trump administration turnover. As the New York Times notes, it’s unprecedented.