Trump & Associates Let Loose: “Why Didn’t Someone Call The FBI 36 Years Ago”

With no press briefing in the last 11 days and Donald Trump’s uncharacteristic zipped lips, we haven’t heard the usual bashing of anyone who stands in the President’s path, only support for his Supreme Court nominee. You knew that couldn’t last long though. Last night in Las Vegas, Trump decided it was time to open the floodgates, defend Brett Kavanaugh and question why the accuser waited so long to come forward. He told a crowd of his supporters:

 We’ll let it play out, and I think everything is going to be just fine. This is a high-quality person,”

Fox “News” host Sean Hannity was on hand in Vegas and somehow snagged an interview with Trump who questioned why Christine Blasey Ford waited so long to tell her story.

This morning Trump continued this narrative on Twitter.

So far Trump, his associates, and GOP leaders have been unable to give any good reason as to why the FBI shouldn’t investigate Ford’s claim, including Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, who danced around the question on CNN Thursday night, even threatening to walk away from the interview (watch the full interview above).

Between Trump and Conway, it’s clear the gloves are off. The White House is now all in to make sure Kavanaugh is confirmed.