Stephen Colbert Roasts Trump And The NRA

Donald Trump’s meeting with Governors yesterday certainly left news outlets and late-night comedians with a lot of material. Stephen Colbert said it best:

“At this point, I go to bed every night believing there’s nothing he (Trump) could say or do that could possibly surprise me, then the sun comes up and today, it happened again.”

This time it was Trump’s remark that he would have saved the day if he were at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Trump said, “I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon.”

That’s what’s known as a gift to late night writers.  Here’s Colbert:

“The part I really don’t believe is that he can run.” 

“We already know how you react to combat situations. you got five deferments from Vietnam! What are you going to do, stab them with your bone spurs?” 

Watch Colbert’s full monologue on this above.

Meanwhile Monday, Colbert also took aim at the NRA on Twitter with a zinger that went viral.

And the replies…