Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “What A Difference A Day Makes”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi started her first briefing since the Biden administration took over by talking about the inauguration and the idea of the country uniting:

“What a difference a day makes. Wasn’t that just the most beautiful inauguration, the theme America united, it was so perfect in my view. Not only for shall we say the peaceful transfer, but also the manner in which it happened… it’s about trust, it’s about hope, it’s about optimism. That’s what the inauguration was about.”

But she made it clear unity doesn’t mean sweeping under the rug the actions of the former president. While declined to say when the House will send the article of impeachment to the Senate, she made it clear she stands by the decision to impeach the 45th president:

“I don’t think it’s very unifying to say, ‘Oh, let’s just forget it and move on.’ That’s not how you unify… You don’t say to a president, do whatever you want in the last months of your administration ‘you’re going to get a get out of jail card free’ because people think we should make nice nice and forget people died here on January 6th.”

Watch more above.