Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “The President Will Be Held Accountable”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi joined Jimmy Kimmel Thursday night saying, “I probably have a better idea as to what the president has to be held accountable for than anyone.”

Here are a couple of excerpts:

“We have to be ready… I always like to say this, our founders in the darkest days of the revolution they said the times have found us. Well, I think right now the times have found us. We have a defiance of the Constitution of the United States. And so when we go down this path we have to be ready and it has to be clear to the American people and we have to hope that it will be clear to the Republicans in the United States Senate.” 

“When you go down a path like impeachment, which is very divisive. It could divide the country…  But let’s just put it this way, we understand our oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, apparently, the president does not understand his oath of office. He doesn’t honor his oath to protect and defend.”

Watch the full interview above.