Rod Rosenstein May Still Be Overseeing Mueller Investigation

When news broke today that Michael Cohen’s guilty plea had passed through the Attorney General’s office before reaching the courtroom, some wondered what role (if any) acting AG Matthew Whitaker played in the plea. But MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace is reporting that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein may still be overseeing the investigation.

Regardless it seems Whitaker was also briefed on the matter. The Washington Post reports:

Acting attorney general Matthew G. Whitaker was notified in advance that President Trump’s former personal attorney would plead guilty Thursday to lying to Congress about a Moscow real estate project that Trump and his company pursued while he was running for president, a person familiar with the matter said.

The notification could strain relations between Whitaker and Trump, who reacted to the plea by accusing his former attorney, Michael Cohen, of lying to spare himself prison time.

Watch above to hear what Wallace and Rachel Maddow said about how this latest piece of the investigation played out.