Presidential Photo Opp Falsely Identifies Owner Of Burned Business

Donald Trump made a big deal Tuesday out of a photo opp he said was with the owner of a camera store that burned down during recent protests in Kenosha. During the visit, he told the man “A day earlier we would have saved your store, one day earlier.” But now we are learning the store didn’t belong to the man who met with Trump, instead it was the previous owner. The current owner Tom Gram turned down the president’s request to appear on camera with him to tour the damage. The NBC affiliate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin explains “Gram has owned Rode’s Camera Shop since he bought the business from the Rode family eight years ago.”

Gram said he got a call Monday from the White House asking if he’d join the president on a tour that would showcase his leveled business, but Gram immediately refused.

“I think everything he does turns into a circus and I just didn’t want to be involved in it,” Gram said.

Mediaite adds: Later, Gram saw Trump on TV as he stood outside the store with John Rode III, who owns the shop’s property but sold the family business to Gram 8 years ago. Trump portrayed Rode as if he still owned the premises, and Rode went along with it as he gave praise to the president.

Reporter Ben Jordan has more above.