Joe Biden’s Segregationist Comments Have Democrats Divided

Joe Biden isn’t apologizing for remarks he made about past work with segregationist Senators saying, “at least there was some civility”. Instead, he and his team are clarifying the comments. Watch his latest statement above.

But these clarifications are doing little to quell two fellow Democratic presidential candidates.

Thursday The View’s Meghan McCain questioned whether this is a case of “Democrat on Democrat cannibalization.” 

Biden does have his share of support from a lot of Democrats, including several prominent African-Americans. Politico says that “Senior members of the Congressional Black Caucus leaped to former Vice President Joe Biden’s defense:”

More than a half-dozen CBC members argued that Biden’s remarks were taken out of context and that the former senator’s call for decency is needed now more than ever.

“I worked with Strom Thurmond all my life,” House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the highest-ranking African American in Congress, said of the infamous segregationist senator. “You don’t have to agree with people to work with them.”

American Urban Radio correspondent April Ryan adds:

“I get what Cory Booker and many of the other Democratic presidential candidates are saying. But I also hear what Joe Biden is saying. What Joe Biden is trying to say is he had to work with these people to get things through.”