Democrat’s Ad Goes Viral After Jumping In Governor’s Race Against Sarah Huckabee Sanders

A political newcomer has entered the race for Arkansas governor and the ad announcing his campaign is garnering a lot of attention. Chris Jones, a nuclear physicist, and ordained minister says he is running to take Arkansas into the future:

“Arkansas is ready for a big leap forward. But we need the right leaps. The last few years have shown just how easy it is to slip back in time. So that’s why I’m running for governor.”

While Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the clear favorite in the state to replace Asa Hutchinson, some political experts think Jones could give the former White House Press Secretary a run for her money. NBC News reports:

Early polling and name recognition have given Sanders an edge, and Trump quickly endorsed her in January through his political action committee. Sanders has already raised nearly $5 million as she runs a campaign vowing to fight the “radical left” and federal government overreach.

Political observers say Jones, who is Black, could ride a wave of recent years in which people of color and from historically disenfranchised groups with limited political experience are getting elected to higher office.

His kickoff video already has 3.7 million views.