Trump Threatens To Keep Government Closed “For Months, Even Years”


WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 04: U.S. President Donald Trump speaks as he is joined by Vice President Mike Pence in the Rose Garden of the White House on January 4, 2019 in Washington, DC. Trump hosted both Democratic and Republican lawmakers at the White House for the second meeting in three days as the government shutdown heads into its third week. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

After a Friday meeting at the White House, ending the government shutdown appears no closer to reality.  In fact, both sides seem more entrenched every day.

From The Washington Post:

“President Trump and congressional leaders failed again on Friday to break a deadlock that has kept the government partially shut down for two weeks, and the top Senate Democrat said the president threatened to keep agencies closed for “months or even years.”

“Emerging from what they called a “sometimes contentious” meeting at the White House, Democratic leaders said Mr. Trump remained adamant that he would not sign spending bills to reopen the shuttered offices unless Congress approved money for his wall on the southern border.”

Shortly after the meeting, the press was summoned to the rose garden where Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and GOP Congressional leaders spoke of the need for a wall.  Trump’s misstatements were numerous and lengthy.

ABC News is reporting that Trump is considering declaring a national emergency to secure funding.

“Sources tell ABC News the discussions are still on the “working level” adding that there’s a range of legal mechanisms that are being considered before such a decision is announced.

“The president, when asked about ABC News’ reporting later on Friday during a press conference, acknowledged that he would consider granting himself national emergency powers to help get the wall built “for the security of our country”. He did not elaborate on the details of such a process.”