Texas’ GOP governor, Greg Abbott, ordered state agencies on Tuesday to investigate certain treatments given to transgender children – including gender reassignment surgery and puberty-blocking medications – as child abuse.

In a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Abbott cited an opinion issued last week by the state’s Attorney General, Republican Ken Paxton, which said a number of gender-affirming treatments “can legally constitute child abuse under several provisions” in Texas law.


Abbott’s letter – which cc’d leaders from eight other state agencies – noted that doctors, nurses, and teachers must report such “abuse” and a failure to do so can result in “criminal penalities.”

However, Paxton’s opinion is not legally binding and its unclear if the agencies Abbott contacted on Tuesday will pursue his request.

“As the lawyer who represents [the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services] in civil child abuse cases in Harris County, I can tell you my office won’t be participating in this political game,” tweeted Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee, a Democrat.

Axios notes “The order could position Abbott favorably among Republicans ahead of a potential primary for president in 2024, but may risk alienating voters ahead of a general election.”

The Washington Post adds context:

The directive is the state’s latest attempt to limit gender-affirming care for transgender youths. In October, Abbott signed a law that bans transgender girls from playing with female sports teams in public schools.

In August, the Department of Family and Protective Services began to recognize certain gender-affirming surgeries as “child abuse” after receiving pressure from the governor, the Texas Tribune reported.

Texas is among several states that have attempted to restrict the treatments for transgender youths, along with limits to bathroom access and participation in sports. In April, Arkansas legislators passed the country’s first law banning gender-affirming treatments for minors. This month, South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem (R) signed a bill that bans transgender girls and college-age women from participating in female sports, joining nine other states that have passed such a ban, The Post reported.