Sen. Bernie Sanders: “We’ve Got To Act Now,” People Do Not Have Food In Their Cupboards


Screenshot CNN - January 24, 2021

Senator Bernie Sanders isn’t mincing words. He says Americans need help and they need it fast. Sanders wants Congress to act immediately. Here’s what he told CNN’s Dana Bash today:

“This is not complicated stuff. We’re in an unprecedented moment in American history. Tens of millions of people are hurting. People are watching this program and do not have food in their cupboards to feed their kids. They are sick. They cannot afford to go to the doctor. They cannot afford the outrageously high cost of prescription drugs. They are worried about climate change and what that will mean for their kids in future generations. That is where we are right now. and the American people say we elected you guys. Do something. improve our lives. We are in pain. We are hurting. That’s in red states, republican states. It is in democratic states. It is in rural America. It is in urban America. It is black, White, Latino, Native American, Asian American. This is a country that is in pain right now.”

Sanders, now the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, says he hopes Republicans will work with Democrats to pass the Covid-19 relief package, but if not they will use reconciliation. That allows for a majority vote of 51 rather than 60.

“I know working families are living today in more economic desperation than since the great depression. If Republicans are willing to work with us to address that crisis, welcome. Let’s do it… We have got to act now.”

Sanders says he thinks the COVID relief bill can be worked at while Congress also tackles the pandemic and a Senate impeachment trial.

“We have to break through the old approach the senate takes years to do anything. We have a crisis right now. we can chew bubble gum and walk at the same time. the American people are hurting. they want us to act.”