Russian missiles struck targets near the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, thought to be a safe haven from the war. The missiles hit a Ukrainian aircraft facility at the airport. Lviv is only 40 miles from the Polish border and has been home to diplomats and the media who fled Kyiv. The Washington Post reports:

Other Russian strikes on airfields or military facilities in western Ukraine in recent weeks have led the Pentagon to conclude that Russia is broadening its targets, raising concerns over how long the region can remain a safe refuge. On Thursday, South Korea announced it would move its diplomats out of Lviv, citing “heightened military threats” around the city.

The Washington Post

CNN reports from Lviv:

Lviv mayor Andriy Sadovyi said several missiles hit an aircraft repair plant, but that work at the facility had stopped before the strikes and there were no reports of casualties. Ukraine’s armed forces say initial information suggests Russia launched six missiles towards the Lviv on Friday morning. It says the missiles were most likely air-launched cruise missiles fired from warplanes over the Black Sea.Two of the six were intercepted by air defense systems, the armed forces’ statement on Facebook said.


Meanwhile in the southern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, rescue workers report 130 survivors have been pulled from the bombed out theater that was also a shelter. The fate of hundreds of other Ukrainians trapped under the rubble remains unknown.

The Italian government announced that it will help rebuild the theater destroyed by the Russians.