CNN: We read all 2,677 pages of impeachment inquiry testimony released to date. Here’s what’s clear.
To President Donald Trump, the whole flap with Ukraine is over a “perfect” phone call.
The White House has tried to paint the impeachment inquiry on the one phone call between the U.S. president and the Ukraine president, but testimony shows it goes way beyond that call. CNN’s deep dive into the transcripts is telling:
“A review of more than 2,600 pages of transcripts released this week from eight witnesses who have testified in the House impeachment inquiry over the past six weeks shows how controversy over Trump’s Ukraine policy had been brewing inside the US government for months.”
that @mkraju @jeremyherb & @MarshallCohen were willing (and able) to pull this piece together on a Friday night after the week we all had is reason enough to read it:
— Phil Mattingly (@Phil_Mattingly) November 9, 2019