Fox News host Sean Hannity is being asked to cooperate with the Select Committee investigating the insurrection. Axios reports:

Hannity is one of the most prominent media figures in America and was a close adviser to Donald Trump throughout his presidency. The committee revealed last month that Hannity texted then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows during the riot to urge him to get Trump to stop his supporters.


The committee sent a letter to Hannity, the committee is asking for cooperation from Hannity because of his text messages with the ex-president and top White House officials on Jan. 6, 2021.

Before former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows stopped cooperating with the panel, he turned over 6,000 documents, including a text message with Hannity on January 6 discussing how Trump needed to act. According to the text the panel revealed, Hannity said to Meadows: “can he make a statement? Ask people to leave the Capitol?’


CNN adds:

The committee asked Hannity for his voluntary cooperation with their investigation, noting it had received “dozens” of his text messages sent to and from former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows that indicate that he had “advance knowledge regarding President Trump’s and his legal team’s planning for January 6th.” 


Here is one of the texts from Hannity to Meadows and GOP Rep. Jim Jordan:

“Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”

Here’s the text of the letter from Rep. Bennie Thompson and Rep. Liz Cheney:

Highlights from the letter to Hannity:

Similarly, on January 5th, the night before the violent riot, you sent and received a stream
of texts. You wrote: “Im very worried about the next 48 hours.”? With the counting of the electoral
votes scheduled for January 6th at 1 p.m., why were you concerned about the next 48 hours?
Also, on the evening of January 5th, you texted Mr. Meadows: “Pence pressure. WH
counsel will leave.”3 What communications or information led you to conclude that White House
Counsel would leave? What precisely did you know at that time?
It also appears from other text messages that you may have had a conversation directly
with President Trump on the evening of January Sth (and perhaps at other times) regarding his
planning for January 6th.* Each of these non-privileged communications is directly relevant to our investigation.

Hannity’s attorney, Jay Sekulow told CNN he has no comment because he hasn’t heard from the committee directly.