We reached out to incoming members of Congress to find out their New Year’s resolutions. Here’s what some new representatives told News & Guts:

Madeleine Dean, PA-04

“Words matter — so this new year, as a member of the 116th Congress, I resolve to do my work honestly, collaboratively, and with decency.”

Deb Haaland, NM-01

“In 2019, I will make Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women part of the national conversation so that this crisis is addressed.”

Lori Trahan, MA-03

“I resolve to make sure that the voices of working families, like the one I grew up in, are heard loud and clear in Congress.”

Abigail Spanberger, VA-07

“In 2019, I will focus every day on the mission of serving the people of Central Virginia and working to make the lives of everyday Americans better through the pursuit of smart, sound policy that creates opportunity and strengthens our communities and country.”

Donna Shalala, FL-27

“In the new year, with the honor of representing the people of South Florida, I will rise above partisanship to work towards concrete solutions that address our most pressing challenges, so that everyone has the chance at a brighter future.”


And here’s what some other members of Congress are saying about the new year on Twitter.

Eric Swalwell, CA-15

”This #NewYearsEve there’s something to be happy about. We go into 2019 stronger, united, and ready to stand for what’s important. There is still so much work to do. Time to get it done.”

Suzanne Bonamici, OR-1

“Happy New Year! In 2018, it felt like a week’s worth of news happened daily. Here’s hoping that 2019 is just as noteworthy, but with a lot more #GoodNews for our climate, our children, our seniors, and everyone in our communities and around the world.”

Mike Thompson, CA-5

”I resolve to be a thinner and better person. No carbs, candy or desserts. And I will work as hard as I can with all sides for the benefit of our district and our country.”

Val Demings, FL-10

”I am wishing each of you a safe, happy and prosperous year. This year will be a chance to make yourself HEARD. Never forget your power to create change.”