Facepalm Of The Day: 35-Year-Old Andrew Giuliani Touts Five Decades of Government Experience


That’s some interesting math.

On Tuesday, Andrew Giuliani, the son of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, announced that he was running for governor of New York State in 2022.

In an interview on Fox News promoting his long-shot candidacy (watch in Tweet below), the former Trump administration official said he’s been working in politics and government for 32 years. If that’s the case, Giuliani began his career at age 3.

Politicians sometimes misspeak – but Giuliani doubled down on his claim, asserting that he’s the only gubernatorial contender who “has spent parts of five decades in politics.” (Giuliani’s only claim to 1980s political life is watching his father lose his first mayoral bid to David Dinkins).

Giuliani was a professional golfer before joining the Trump campaign in 2016. He then worked in the Trump White House in the office of Public Liaison. He said he interacted with top CEOs to help craft policies.

Giuliani has to beat two Republicans in the New York primary – Representative Lee Zeldin of Long Island and Rob Astorino, a former county executive of Westchester County – but he already has his sights set on running against Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“Giuliani vs. Cuomo. Holy smokes. It’s Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier,” he told the New York Post.

Unfortunately for Giuliani, his former boss, Donald Trump, seems aligned with Rep. Zeldin. From The New York Times:

Mr. Trump made it clear to Mr. Giuliani when they saw each other at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s estate in Florida, a few weeks ago that he was leaning toward Mr. Zeldin, according to two people with knowledge of the discussion.