Donald Trump Tweets Fake Photo Honoring Hero Dog


Donald Trump tweeted an altered image of the dog involved in the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi raid. We know the dog is a hero, but this is just bizarre.

The image appears to have been created by The Daily Wire. New York Times reports:

The image, which bears a watermark for a social media account for the conservative news site The Daily Wire, appeared to be an altered version of a 2017 Associated Press photograph. In the original, Mr. Trump is seen awarding a Medal of Honor to James C. McCloughan, a retired Army medic who is credited with saving the lives of 10 men during the war in Vietnam.

Here are the images side by side.

Molly Knight, a reporter for The Athletic LA remarked, “How could they possibly screw up a lovely story about a brave dog helping to capture the world’s most wanted terrorist? By photoshopping said dog into a picture with Trump to remind us this president would never, ever, ever touch a dog in real life.”

In her 2017 memoir, Ivana Trump wrote, “Donald was not a dog fan.” So this photoshopped image may be the closest Trump actually gets to this hero.