The White House spin has already begun, and so have the leaks.  Amazingly, the very limited F.B.I. investigation didn’t find anything.  Democrat Chris Murphy of Connecticut:

Democratic Senator Chris Coons of Delaware told CNN: “In the end…there’s a number of vital witnesses who were not questioned.”  The White House is pushing back saying the point of the investigation was not drinking.

A lot of people are coming forward about claims about his high school and college drinking which the Senate hasn’t asked us about, but also more importantly, he has already admitted in his testimony that he drank in high school, drank in college, sometimes drank too much, drank underage. He said he likes beer. I don’t really know what folks who are demanding an open-ended fishing expedition into those areas want other than delay, delay, delay.” –Raj Shah, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary

The Washington Post was able to confirm only six interviews, five of which dealt with sexual assault accusations by Christine Blasey Ford.  From The Washington Post:

“President Trump has insisted publicly he was not curtailing the FBI probe. But privately, the White House restricted the FBI from delving deeply into Kavanaugh’s youthful drinking and exploring whether he had lied to Congress about his alcohol use, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.”

From Eric Holder, the former Attorney General:

Some also have their theories as to whether internal bias, in agencies that should be absolutely fair, also played a role.