Rudy Giuliani has been front and center over the last couple of days defending and dodging for Donald Trump. He seems less like a lawyer for the president and more like a co-star in his latest reality show. The former Mayor of New York City has appeared on several TV shows pulling out every excuse in the book for his biggest client. As he gasps for straws his latest is not just a denial of whether Trump (and associates) colluded with Russians, instead, he has a new narrative he is pushing about whether collusion is against the law.

Apparently, Giuliani and his friends at Fox News also find talk of collusion to be rather amusing.

It’s clear Giuliani is now making a case that if Trump did collude it doesn’t matter. He is certainly not denying Michael Cohen’s account that Trump knew about the infamous Trump Tower meeting.

Even if all that is true, as The Atlantic points out this could now be a case of not just collusion, but conspiracy as well.

As for obstruction of justice, Giuliani says that is a topic his client wants to avoid talking about.

Much of the potentially damning information that has come out in the past week is thanks to Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen. Giuliani is now painting him and Robert Mueller as the President’s biggest foes. Certainly a shift as far as what both he and Trump have said about these men in the past.