The St. Louis couple who waved firearms at Black Lives Matter protesters streaming passed their mansion last year have pled guilty to misdemeanor charges. They must forfeit their guns as part of a deal that allows them to avoid prison time.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey have also agreed to pay $2750 in fines. Mark, who is running for U.S. Senate, pled guilty to fourth-degree assault, a Class C misdemeanor. His wife pled guilty to second-degree harassment, a Class A misdemeanor. They initially faced more serious charges.

Yet, the couple showed no remorse. “I’d do it again any time the mob approaches me. … In other words, I stood out on the porch with my rifle and made them back up. And that’s what I’d do again. If that’s a crime in Missouri, by God I did it, and I’d do it again,” Mark said on the courthouse steps.

The judge denied their request to donate their guns to a charity.

Last June, BLM demonstrators passed the McCloskey mansion en route to the nearby home of former St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson. The McCloskeys, both personal injury attorneys, live in a gated community. Mark brandished a AR-15 rifle at the protesters; Patricia pointed a semiautomatic handgun at them.

The couple became right-wing media darlings after a video of the encounter went viral. They insist the protesters would have burned down their house if they didn’t “stand their ground.”

Mark is pursuing the Senate seat set to be vacated by Roy Blunt. As Slate says, “McCloskey is predictably running as a law and order Republican candidate without any sense of irony.”