It looks like Democrats controlling the House of Representative will vote on Wednesday to impeach President Donald Trump for a second time, just one week before Joe Biden takes over the White House.

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi … informed members on a private call Monday they will need to return to the Capitol — for many, the first time since the Jan. 6 attacks — on Tuesday night,” reports Politico.

“Impeachment is scheduled for consideration at 9 a.m. Wednesday, if Trump refuses to resign and Vice President Mike Pence won’t initiate other procedures to remove him.”

Pelosi already has all the votes she needs.

Key members of the House Judiciary Committee introduced a single article of impeachment Monday that has already gathered at least 218 cosponsors” — enough votes for passage — according to “a congressional aide involved in the process,” Politico says.

The document charges Trump with “incitement of insurrection” that led to the deadly and destructive raid on the Capitol, says the Washington Post.

Few observers believe the Senate would vote to convict the president, since for now it is still controlled by the Republicans.

“Whether impeachment can pass the United States Senate is not the issue,” Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the majority leader, told the New York Times. “The issue is we have a president who most of us believe participated in encouraging an insurrection and attack on this building, and on democracy and trying to subvert the counting of the presidential ballot.”