We’ve been inundated for weeks with reports of Donald Trump’s hurt feelings. Those inside the White House are afraid to be in the same room with the pouter-in-chief. He sulks and shouts because he lost. We get it. This is not a new phenomenon. It’s been his modus operandi for the last four years, and perhaps his whole life.

Every move inside the executive branch is dictated by how Trump will react. This week CNN’s Jeremy Diamond quoted a senior Republican close to the President as saying, “We’re watching a petulant child not getting his way throw a tantrum.” That is certainly a good way to describe it, but it’s a quote from Juliette Kayyem, a national security analyst for CNN that really struck us. Wednesday night she said: “I’m so tired of talking about Trump’s feelings.”

It’s so simple, yet so true. There are 328 million people in this country, but for the last four years, one man’s feelings matter more than anything or anyone else. His allies set out to make him happy at all costs and oftentimes to make sure they soothe his bruised ego. Many have chosen his feelings over the country. But some are finally jumping the ship. This week televangelist Pat Robertson split with Trump saying the president lives in “an alternate reality.” Longtime friend Gerald Rivera also decided he would no longer spare the president’s feelings and repeatedly declared the election “over.” He says his recent remarks have led Trump to stop talking to him. Over the next 28 days, we suspect Trump will stop talking to a lot more people.

*This post contains opinion and analysis