Marco Rubio is receiving an avalanche of tweets today pushing back on his criticism of Joe Biden’s campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon. He was apparently offended by something the incoming deputy chief of staff told Glamour magazine. This was reportedly the passage in question:

The president-elect was able to connect with people over this sense of unity. In the primary, people would mock him, like, “You think you can work with Republicans?” I’m not saying they’re not a bunch of fuckers. Mitch McConnell is terrible. But this sense that you couldn’t wish for that, you couldn’t wish for this bipartisan ideal? He rejected that. From start to finish, he set out with this idea that unity was possible, that together we are stronger, that we, as a country, need healing, and our politics needs that too.

Rubio took note of Dillon’s use of the f-word.

Washington Post columnist Karen Tumulty writes:

Rubio was joined in his outrage by many other Republicans, who apparently are unaware that among the things that President Trump has achieved in his single term is bringing swearing into the mainstream. On just one day in 2019, this newspaper used the word “bullshit” five times in quoting Trump’s rants about his impeachment. Trump cusses liberally at his rallies, knowing it brings cheers from his devoted supporters. They see it as evidence of his toughness and willingness to call things the way he sees them.

And people aren’t hesitating to remind Rubio that he too was vulgar in his description of the president.

Perhaps there is some sexism on display here too if Rubio is offended because profanity came from a woman.

Meanwhile New York Magazine points out:

If you read the actual interview, which was mostly about how Dillon personally navigated the perils of a presidential campaign while dealing with three kids and other family issues, it is abundantly clear that she fully endorses Biden’s outreach to Republicans. Indeed, the point she was making is that it’s critical in government to work with people you have no reason to trust or even respect: