Joe Biden is laying out his health goals for his first 100 days after inauguration. During a media event to announce his health team, Biden said there are three big parts of his plan. As mentioned last week, that includes a recommendation to wear masks and to require them in places where he has the power to do so, such as federal buildings and transportation hubs. Biden said this of wearing a mask, “It’s not a political statement, it’s a patriotic act.”

His second goal is to get “100 million shots in the first 100 days” into the arms of the American people. This is especially timely coming on the heels of a New York Times report that the Trump administration passed on an offer from Pfizer to buy more doses of its Covid vaccine.


Biden said his third goal is to reopen schools:

“In 100 hundred days, it should be a national priority to get our kids back into school and keep them in school, if Congress provides the funding we need to protect students, educators, and staff. If states and cities put strong public health measures in place that we all follow, then my team will work to see that a majority of our schools can be open by the end of my first 100 days.”

Watch more of what Biden said above.