If Donald Trump needs a Grand Marshall for his grand military parade, don’t even think about asking Robert O’Neill.  He’s the former Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden back in 2011.  O’Neill called the idea of a military parade “third world bullshit.”  So no SEAL float.

Trump has let it be known he wants a parade, no doubt a huge, beautiful parade that will honor the military and by extension, him.  So, the directive has gone out to plan a parade.  If it happens, the event would probably be down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, maybe next fall around Veterans Day. Or perhaps the idea will be shelved.  Forever.   No one has publicly said how much this folly will cost, but it will be many millions.  Maybe Mexico will pay for this too?

And if Trump needs a parade planning director, who better than Kim Jong Un?  The North Korean dictator was center stage for a big parade in Pyongyang today.  He may not be able to feed his people, but this dude can throw a parade.

Hundreds of soldiers, huge missiles, military trucks, you name it.  Via CNN, “Kim declared that the military parade would show to the world that North Korea” has developed into a world-class military power.”