$900 Billion Stimulus Deal Reached


Washington DC Capitol building captured at night

It came down to the wire, but just after 5:30pm on Sunday, Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared that they have “finalized an agreement” on a desperately needed COVID relief deal.

“More help is on the way. Moments ago, in consultation with our committees, the four leaders of the Senate and House finalized an agreement for another major rescue package for the American people.”

Senator Mitch Mcconnell

The Washington Post writes:

Negotiators have decided to provide stimulus checks worth $600 per person. The size of that benefit would be reduced for people who earned more than $75,000 the preceding year, similar to the last round of stimulus checks, according to two people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share details of private deliberations. The stimulus checks would provide $600 per person, including adults and children, meaning a family of four would receive $2,400 up to a certain income.

Congress would also extend unemployment benefits of up to $300 per week, which could start as early as Dec. 27.

Senator Chuck Schumer says this is the “second largest federal stimulus in our nation’s history.”

After a year full of bad news, finally, we have some good news to deliver to the American people. Make no mistake about it this agreement is far from perfect. But it will deliver emergency relief to a nation in the throes of a genuine emergency. It should have the votes to pass the Senate, the house, and reach the President’s desk to become law. We should make that happen as soon as possible. As soon as possible even tonight if we can.

Senator Chuck Schumer

After the deal was reached Schumer took to the floor of the Senate to air his grievances about how long it took and to blame Republicans for failing to act for eight months:

“20 members of the Senate majority wanted no money and when the Republican leader simply forgets for months he said let’s examine the crisis. Let’s put it on pause. while Democrats were demanding more action.” 

Schumer said this packages “leaves out state and local assistance.”

Despite desperate pleas from governors, mayors, economists across the spectrum, Republicans stubbornly refused to provide direct aid to state and local governments. Over a million employees, public employees have already lost their jobs. It doesn’t matter if you’re working for a small business and get laid off or if you’re working for a government and laid off. You still need to feed your family so why is there such a difference on this side of the aisle between these same people, flesh and blood? 

A vote is expected in the House tomorrow. If it passes there, it will head to the Senate, and then to Donald Trump to sign.